And tonight I did get real Mexican food. What a day it was. I had a meeting that went well at 11 am and then after that… nothing going on. So, of course I took a little nap which lasted a little longer than I had hoped, and I was on my way out. The concierge was busy so the hotel car director whom I had spoken with on multiple occasions walked right up to me to ask what I needed. He’s cute. Tall, goodlooking guy (doesn’t look Mexican at all) and like all hotel car directors at this hotel, he wore a tophat. I told him how I wanted to go on a bus tour and he told me where to go and how to get there. I think he’ll miss me a little when he doesn’t see me tomorrow. I think especially in a place like this I tend to be way friendlier than the average person, which sometimes gets me in trouble (or proposed to by 70 year olds) but sometimes works to my advantage (like getting a free dessert in one of the most high-end restaurants in Mex City tonight). Anyways, I hopped on the bus. I had wanted to check out Condesa, so after being on it for only 20 minutes I got off to get a bite to eat. I walked up and down the streets looking for the perfect restaurant to sit at but there were way too many here. It was like walking around in NYC’s Soho. Finally, someone at a French restaurant started talking to me as I walked by. It looked good so I went for it. A simply delicious salad and chicken and cheese crepe for lunch. Yum. When I went to get back on the bus, I noticed one just up ahead so I ran as fast as I could around the confused people to try and make it as it made a stop, but no luck. It pulled away just as I was approaching the stop. Reminiscent of my bus days at home pre-nextbus. I pulled out my book (thank goodness I had it) cause I had a long 40 minutes in front of me before the next one would come. I paused now and again to take in the scenery. Men behind me were preparing to close up their little grocery/corner store for the day. But best of all, someone at the store put out crates to hold a parking spot when someone in a truck from the store left leaving It open. Someone drove up and asked about it. They exchanged words, they seemed friendly, but before I knew it the guy in the car who drove up left his car in the middle of the street (seems like a normal thing to do here), moved the crates and parked. Meanwhile, I was thinking oh man, if he had done that in Boston he would have had some slashed tires for sure!
Bus finally came and we did a loop of the downtown city. It was nice, especially the old downtown part, minus all the traffic. I felt like I was in Europe. After the tour, I returned home much later than I had wanted to. I had been wanting to go for a swim all day, so finally I did it. I was told I needed to take a shower before I was getting into the pool, so fine I did, though I thought it to be bizarre. Maybe they just thought I was a dirty gringa. I swam and poked around, the only one in the pool until a couple other punks came and totally showed me off with their goggles, hair mask and swimming skills. It was getting late anyways. I had heard from Daniella (Gerry’s friend) and I had wanted to meet up with her. I showered and got all ready (in 45 minutes max, seriously) and out the door I went. The cute taxi dispatch man helped me with a car again and I was on my way.
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