Today, I asked where the good shopping was. You know, the type of shopping if you wanted to grocery shop. Or go to malls, buy clothing, buy food. The lady at the business center tried to direct me to MG road where there was plenty of tourist shopping. After the fifth try, I gave up. She wasn’t getting it. Oh well.
DHL came today. On time and with bells on, the first time that’s happened in a well, orderly manner since I have been on survey. I was on the phone with the car dealership and as soon as I hung up my phone rang again. “Maam, the courier came and he left a slip for you. He’s here we just want to make sure everything is ok. “ Me, “yes that should be fine, does he need me to do anything?” “Nope, I’m outside your door with the slip for you”. The guy was outside my door the whole time, and the courier was still downstairs. The lengths they go to here. I actually really like this hotel. They haven’t been too pushy in any way. It’s very comforting.
At a realtor meeting today, a girl in the small office I was in (there were only 3 of us in the room) casually walked around the office and took pictures of me from every angle. Didn’t say a word to me. I tried hard not to feel terribly awkward. Meanwhile, realtor’s mignons brought us cookies, samosas, Indian coffees, and extra plates and napkins. How strange would it be hiring multiple people to take care of all the small things for you, all day? What would you do with the extra time in your life? Everyone middle class and up have at least one maid in this culture. What a strange life.
Today some lady came up to me, while I was mid-sentence asking for the price of an espresso and said hello, excuse me. I was like… ummm yes? “hi where are you from.” “I’m from the USA.” “Ohhh that’s wonderful! This is my Aunt, she really wants to talk to you. Can you give her a hug?” So I’m like sure… I’ll give her a hug why not. Meanwhile, Aunt doesn’t talk to me. I’m not sure if she can speak English. Then the lady asks, can you give her another hug? So I do. Hey, why not spread the love?
The realtor today showed me around. I think we saw every expat building in the city. Our conversation turned strange when he mentioned that the Indian people saw Americans as very sexual beings. Part of this comes from that men and women start to live together before marriage. And then, he mentioned that sex was a good thing, if both parties were ok with it. (Duhhhh). Then he asked no less than 5 times, on different occasions, if he could just come in the hotel and give me a massage. Though, it started with him saying more than once that after the tour and our lunch we could go to the hotel, where we could sit in the lobby or in my room if I prefer to finish answering questions. When my answer of I don’t think I have any more questions just wasn’t enough, he moved on to wanting to give a massage. Then, he proceeded to just assume and state that the reason I was saying no was because I was just assuming it was a sexual thing (a man giving a woman a massage; one who was probably half his age and much more attractive mind you. Not sexual at all.) And then, despite all my no’s, and his “assumptions” of me being afraid it was a sexual thing, he proceeds to tell me BUT I would still have to take off all my clothes for it. Minus my underwear, maybe. Really? Dream on creepy realtor guy. Thanks for lunch.
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