On the way, once again, to my next destination. Usually I’m a bit sad to be leaving home for a while, even when I’m excited about my trip. But this time, I’m leaving home and I’m not even going somewhere where I want to be. India; dirty, overcrowded confusing poor India. Well, that’s what I’m anticipating my experience will be like, though I’m hoping I can say otherwise in 2,3,4 and 5 weeks when I’m leaving.
It was a particularly stressful week with my birthday, housewarming, cell phone crisis happening all at once. I didn’t have time to get anything done, it felt like. Up to the hour I left it was a rush to do everything I needed to do. Mom and Nana took me to the airport after I dropped off my car there and we had some dinner. I was just feeling blah but tried to reassure myself it will be better when I finally get to India.
I flew British airways, a big, semi-double decker plane from Boston to London. I slept the whole 6 hours aside from waking up to scarf down my second dinner of the night. In London I only waited around for an hour before boarding again. This flightcrew was English, one of the stewards called me “love” as in, “what would you like love?” I liked it. Enough that I had to remember to write it down. There are men with turbines (is this the right word?) scarves on their heads. And there are women with red dots on their foreheads. I slept most of my second flight as well, despite that it was 8.5 hours long. No better way to get through a flight than that, for sure. Both planes I flew on were very nice, and also very new. That’s a great feeling. The individual tvs we had in front of us were touch screen, even. Not too shabby. I didn’t even have to reach up above me to switch on my light, it’s all on the remote for me tv.
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