Due to the Mumbai attacks some years back security at the hotels is tight. Well it appears to be, but who knows if it’s a front? Though, upon entrance they open the front and back of the cars (engine and trunk) to check for bombs and anything suspicious. And then bags are scanned, people are scanned, though you walk in through the metal detector, it beeps, but still they let you through. I have to wonder if that metal detector is for show or actually detects harmful items.
Drugs are ridiculously cheap in India. While obtaining prescription prices, I ran into a handful of American Airlines crewmembers (ladies) in the drugstores buying all sorts of items. From multivitamins to botox creams. Being loud Americans, demanding the attention of the whole store. Not surprised. Drugs are so cheap so that they are affordable for the poor.
That night, I met Nick (the guy from Washington DC) for dinner. We ate at my hotel which he was no longer staying in, and had a great Indian meal that I wasn’t allergic to. Until it came to dessert time. We ordered, to split, the only dish without pistachios listed for the ingredients. But guess what it had. One wild guess. PISTACHIOS! Sweet, almost died for the first time this trip. Oh there would be so many more.
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