There isn’t much to say about this hellhole, besides that I got stuck in the worst rain storm I have ever seen! Cars were swimming through the streets because of the lack of a drainage system. We had to pull over and wait for the rain to let up for 20 minutes, making me late for my realtor meeting. My driver was the same one that another co-worker had had previously, he asked me why I was here and I told him what I did. He was able to explain to me what the previous girl, Steph looked like; and he told me about all the places that he took her. He was OK. Reliable but emotionless. Maracaibo was dirty, dangerous, and there just wasn’t much to do here. My hotel was pretty nice anyways, and the restaurant manager took a liking to me. I got free drinks on my last day while swimming in the pool before taking my flight to Trinidad ;) He wants to marry someone from the US, who doesn’t. I also met Roger, an interesting character. He was wearing a digital advertisement in a grocery store. He was cute, but ridiculously hard to take seriously in his awesome outfit. He wanted to be my boyfriend. And still to this day asks to be my boyfriend. Oh, the malls in Maracaibo were awesome. If I was a kid, I would want to play here all day everyday, no wonder the malls are so popular to hang out in. There were jumpy things where kids could jump to the ceiling, there were balls you could sit in and roll around in, there were even live female models who were much too young to be wearing scandalous bathing suits in the middle of the crowd.
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