Today I did some sight-seeing. And gave some people too much money again. Almost bought a pearl bracelet, but didn’t do it. And, I’m glad that I didn’t. These items I can buy in the US for just about the same price, I’m pretty damn sure. I found a taxi for tomorrow to take me to Pondi at least. That should be a good time, I hope. I am happy though that I bought some nice silk scarves. Chennai is famous for them, so might as well. I walked on the beach and a jeep stopped in front of me and the young kids asked if I was on camera. And then asked me to take their picture, in which case I gladly did of course. Then there were more children with monkeys. I took their picture and they begged for money money money, so I gave them a little. I’m so sick of everyone trying to take my money though. Then, one of the kids started beating the monkey. So I gasped and shook my head so the sister of the little boy beating the monkey started beating him. Ah, what to do. I turned around and left. I didn’t want to be part of that situation, who knows what I would have gotten myself into. But that kinda put a damper on my already not too great mood. I’m trying to make the best out of it, but I’m sick of everyone looking up to me and thinking I’m rich. Especially for the rich part. When I went to check out the temple today I told someone who was trying to be my guide to please, please go away and stop bothering me. I hate having to say that.
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