Now for the best story of this survey. It was Friday night, I was tired, I could have easily crawled into bed and finished my work until I fell asleep, but I was hungry after not having eaten all day and sick of eating at the same restaurant at the hotel night after night since I had been here. So, I took my work with me and decided to ask the front desk where the music might be coming from. Apparently it was coming from the bar at the hotel, but I knew that couldn’t be right. I would have heard it on other evenings as well if that was the case. They did inform me though that at the end of the driveway and around the corner on the right was where ABC Farms was located, a cute little walk in the woods surrounded by restaurants lining on either side. I walked by quite a few restaurants but decided I would go to the end and settle on whichever one caught my fancy. At the end, a man with an Australian accent sitting at the entrance noticed me walking around in a bit of confusion and called out to me. “Hey! Come in here, Brett Lee is playing!” “Who is Brett Lee?” I ask. “Oh, where are you from? You’re clearly not from Australia” hey says. “Well I’ll give you a free drink ticket and a ticket to hang out backstage with the band. “ Well, I didn’t really have any idea who the band or Brett Lee was, but really who cares. Sounds like one of the band members was well-known somehow, so why pass up an opportunity to see where the night could take me.
I walked in and stood in the back and observed the scene. It was crowded, but not terribly crowded. There was nowhere to sit and getting to the bar was difficult, but not like being in an overcrowded bar in Boston that’s for sure. Especially since people graciously made way for me to get to the bar. The blonde hair again! I started talking to a couple nice guys at the bar. They were both fans of Brett Lee, but when the band finished playing, they didn’t bother standing in the long line waiting for an autograph.
The show was over, people were starting to leave, but I didn’t know where the “afterparty “is so I just hung around waiting for the next cue. The guy who had given me the invite to the afterparty had told me just a few minutes ago that we would be moving shortly to an undisclosed location. Shortly after, Brett Lee came down for a drink and afterparty invite man was behind the bar making the drinks. Meanwhile, the nice guys I were talking to seemed a little starstruck, I had just said goodbye to them and they were trying to sneak pics of Brett Lee, which ended unsuccessfully when his bodyguard said no pictures. They needed to leave. Meanwhile, Brett noticed me and caught my eye. “Come over here and hang out with us!” So I did. It was awkward, we were trying to make small talk while meanwhile everyone else in the circle knew each other and was giving congratulations on the great show they just had. I had a few awkward moments just standing there not sure who to talk to or what to do with myself. Meanwhile, afterparty invite guy jumped behind the bar which had closed down 20 minutes prior and makes drinks for everyone, and tells Brett he hopes he doesn’t mind, but he saw me there by myself and thought he should invite me to the party. Course it’s fine, Brett missed his blonde haired girls. Too bad I wasn’t Aussie and totally star-struck.
Shortly after we moved down the street. Mind you, I hadn’t eaten a thing all day. Literally all day. I had already consumed 2 drinks at the bar and had just entered into an open-bar scenario in a really cool lounge-like area. The drinks kept coming. And, there was food too. I devoured pizza, which resulted in me not being as worried about how much I was drinking as I should have been, I was becoming happier and happier and so pleased to have found some fun people to hang out with, even if they were all guys. Lots of them good-looking too, either part of the band or cricket players from other countries! Things got more and more blurry, and then I started to dance.
That’s about as much as I really remember. I barely remember telling everyone around me that I was terribly drunk, and may have even fallen down once or twice. Seriously. I know I know…. Not smart. Thank goodness I made it back to my hotel room and apparently even talked to Mom on skype, which I only realized the next morning when I looked at my computer. Earlier in the evening I was determined to have a full work day the next day. And then I didn’t wake up until 1 pm. Even then, I couldn’t make it out of bed until 4 pm. I was sick to my stomach, I barely was able to order room service and must have looked like I got hit by a truck when the guy came in my room. Worst hangover of my survey career right there, but a super fun night.
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