It was my day off, and I was ready to relax. In fact, I was exhausted from working my ass off the past month and just wanted to do nothing. But I settled on being determined to snorkel instead. So, I went to the front desk and asked about it. The lazy bitch behind the counter told me that the “activities” person had just stepped out and wouldn’t be back. OK… what else. I mean, I was staying at a dive resort, you can’t possibly tell me no one can tell me anything about snorkeling. “Go down the street to the other resort” she says to me. So a bit frustrated, I did that. Took my little car out down the road. I arrive at the resort and sign up to go on the dive boat because they don’t have a trip specifically for snorkelers, just for divers. Meanwhile, the lady at the front tells me how much she loves the Divi boat (at my hotel) because there is a glass bottom and you can see the fish. Thanks lady, now I’m feeling even better. So we get out a little ways and oh, what do you know? The effing Divi boat comes right alongside us. Seriously? The guide jokes that they are following us, looking for me. So I snorkel, and I have a little friend with me and we stick together and do our own thing while the divers do their thing. And we get stung by the little jellies. Thanks goodness they were little ones. After only a half an hour on the boat, we are heading back into shore but….. whoops! The engine dies. GUESS WHO COMES TO OUR RESCUE? Really, what’s your first guess??? It starts with a D and happens to conveniently be the boat coming right from my hotel. AGAIN. Except my car is at the OTHER hotel because I had to drive there because some IDIOT doesn’t know enough to tell me to go visit the dive shop that we have right around the corner from the reception of my hotel. Yep, that glass-bottom Divi boat came and towed us back to shore. This wasn’t funny anymore. I was pissed. I got back to my hotel and was all sulky, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if I had someone to bitch to. I got food and tried not to give people attitude. I was worn out and tired. I had a free day and you would think I would be happy, but I wasn’t. I was cranky and exhausted. What I really needed was a pre-vacation day so that I could rest up and make the best use of the little free time I actually had.
I got asked out a lot in Bonaire, I think. I told one guy (a waiter who kept sneaking around to talk to me) that maybe I would go to a club with him. I wasn’t really going to go, I just didn’t feel like thinking up a lie to get out of it. When he asked me, I told him I would be around (which I was, but I certainly wasn’t looking for him!) and then when I did end up seeing him, it was too late. That’s OK cause I still got a couple free drinks out of him anyways. Told another guy that “Sure! I’ll come back later and check out your restaurant. Reservation at 7? Why not!” Nope, that didn’t happen either. Actually got to the point where I was starting to feel bad. I just really hate coming up with stupid excuses.
Restaurants on Bonaire were soooo good. I think I had the best steak EVER while I was there. Despite their small population and land mass, they had a wide array of different good-quality restaurants and they mostly catered to the higher-end of the price scale. The best restaurants were located right along the waterway, so you could walk the “boardwalk” and check out your dinner options. Yum!
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