I’m a sucker and gave some guy money to buy a cricket ball for a bunch of kids. Right. How stupid. It was about 7 USD. Ohhh well, it happens.
A guard in the grocery store was staring at me. And I saw him. So after this happened for a while, he came up to me and said, almost in a whisper…. “I’m sorry that I’m staring at you. I don’t think you’re going to steal anything. You just caught my attention and I think you’re so beautiful.” So, I said to him, well then, stare away. Haha how creepy is that, and who says that???
Interesting thing about St. Lucia, it’s actually rude to pass someone and not say hello. It’s a cultural thing. So, when someone passes you and says hello it’s a bit hard to tell if they are genuinely just greeting you or trying to hit on you. I had a little bit of both here. But, it’s considered rude not to say hello, so I had to acknowledge everyone. In a way it was nice though. I would wave to people on the sides of the streets, especially taxi men just waiting around for their next job. Hello my dear, how are you today? It was uplifting and positive, which can make a world of a difference in this job.
Ha, so speaking of friendly… some older guy with terrible teeth from Barbados walked up to me in the Supermarket and said “hi, what’s your name”. My name is Lauren. Etc. Etc., he proceeded to make small talk and then said he would like to get a drink with me, but I was working. All the while, I keep on writing down prices, hardly ever making eye contact. Then he asked when I was leaving. Tomorrow. “That’s a shame, I wish I met you earlier. We could have had so much fun together”. Ewwww. Ummm ya, absolutely not. He finally left me alone when I wasn’t stopping my work. Stupid men. They think they can get whatever they want sometimes.
I went into a store today and someone asked me if I needed help. Nope, I’m just looking around. Then he said, OK Ms. Universe, let me know if you need help. I just had to say, umm…. what? But I kinda liked it! Then he told a few young schoolgirls that I was Ms. Universe in 2003 or something and they totally believed him. I had to tell them it wasn’t true, otherwise I would have been giving out autographs. One of those same little girls with a cute Caribbean accent said to me without feeling it, that my hair was so soft. Then she reached out and wanted to feel it. “So when you get it wet, does it get really frizzy?” No…. “so then it’s always soft?” Yes I guess so. “Oh wow, my hair is always so coarse, I wish I had soft hair”. Huh, that’s something I haven’t thought about much. I guess I do have soft hair. You always want what you don’t have, right?
I found it very interesting that despite St. Lucia being an island, it was beef that was overwhelmingly popular to eat on the island versus seafood. It was almost difficult to find fresh seafood to start with. However; there were countless very high-end steak restaurants on the island. How strange!
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