Today was a bit of a tough day, I've been down a bit since I arrived in Melbourne. I guess it doesn't help when you a) break your computer, b) get food poisoning from trying kangaroo for the first time c) get in late for an important meeting because you don't understand the public transport system and then d) have a washout Saturday. Maybe I should take it easy, this badluck has progressed day after day, man I can't wait to get home.... I'm hoping that tomorrow is a little bit different. Maybe I'll go to the zoo tomorrow..... I wanted to go out to dinner tonight, but I'm starting to feel like Melbourne is just overwhelming to me. It's such a big city with so many choices, I just don't really know where to turn! I also felt a little bit down earlier. Probably the weather, just being a little bit frustrated overall with the sequence of bad events. So disappointing because at times like this I just wish that I could stop myself and say Lauren, look at yourself. Look at where you are. You only have a short time here, being sad and cranky won't help, so WHAT are you doing and WHAT are you complaining about? And more importantly, what are you going to do about it? I ate at one of those sushi places for lunch today where you take what you want off of the turnstyle. It was so perfect for me, it was just like sushi tapas. A little this and a little that and off you go... I had seaweed salad, eel sushi with cheese on top (what?) and another 2 piece crabstick sushi. I was going to keep on walking around but I was getting soaked, and everytime I thought the rain was going to stop it just kept on pourin down.
The next day was a pretty good day. It was finally nice and sunny which sure does beat pouring rain. I got up slowly but surely, had breakfast for the first time since I've been here, and slowly made my way to the zoo which wasn't too far down the road from my hotel which was great. There were lots of animals; lions, tigers, bears, elephants, all sorts of apes and oranguatangs, zebras, giraffes - but for some reason I liked the zoo in Brisbane more than the zoo here in Melbourne. It was more homey - had a great exhibit on koalas and you could pet and feed the kangaroos! I didn't need any more than that. Also at the zoo here, there were so many annoying children it was sickening. I think actually though that the mothers were far more annoying than the kids themselves. Their stupid pictures and pushing and shoving to get their kid to see the baby animals, ugh. I shouldn't have, but I felt wrong being at the zoo taking up the precious space that their kids could be using to see the animals. In Melbourne you could see the animals from afar, but no up and close encounters. Haha, well except for a monkey that would come right up to the glass to admire the people staring at him, and when he peed he stuck his hand under his butt to get some and then put his hands in his mouth, I think he did it purposely to gross the humans out, since he was hanging from right in front of the glass! Yeah disgusting, who was in charge of teaching him about hygiene?!
After the zoo, I went out to walk around and do a tab bit of work while seeing the city. Melbourne is a beautiful city, full of life and people.... and a layout that's meant to gather with friends. The only problem that I have with this is that I have no friends to gather with. After finishing up surveying the hotels, I walked around aimlessly trying to find somewhere to eat. I passed a million places, but they all looked too welcoming, with lots of people and big benches meant for all those people. I'm not quite sure what I was looking for, but I walked to the riverfront and back, and ended up settling at one of the hotels despite all the time I had spent looking up restaurants. All the other ones just felt too... friendly, and I was feeling lonely. Oh well, Melbourne just seems like one of those places you come with at least someone, if not people that you know. I think the city would be a lot more fun that way. Although, tomorrow... I will be having lunch with Alan (from New Plymouth) and a couple of his friends if I can get my work done! Speaking of, maybe I ought to go get ready for bed now so I can get up nice and early.
On another note... It's so lovely that it gets dark later here. And, it's so strange.... so as we all know, people drive on the left hand side. So, cars that are turning right are in the lane allll the way over to the left. They have to make sure they're not going to sideswipe other cars that are going straight when they are turning right! It's so bizarre looking.
Anyways, goodnight.
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