I came back to the hotel and met Yushar just a few minutes after the time we had agreed upon, but I expected Ilham. Yushar said his boss Ilham was waiting for us. So we took a nice little walk through the downtown before arriving at “the Rich House” a little restaurant off the main dragway. We went in and upstairs, it was real club-lounge decorated, with bright blues and reds. I kinda felt like I was walking into a mafia meeting. Upon arriving upstairs, Ilham gets up from the table he is sitting at and greets me. Boy, Ilham can talk a lot. We were showered with little picky appetizers; 95% of which I could not eat because they were ALL NUTS! Really? There was cake, dried fruit, lots of nuts, candies… I felt terrible not being able to accept any of them, but I explained my situation very carefully. Yushar seemed very restless the whole meeting. He kept checking his watch, while Ilham just kept on talking. After finishing our meeting, we sat and talked, or rather he talked to me, for another 45 minutes. He gifted me the classic Baku decorative plate which all my previous co-workers had also received. Then I asked him how to say hello in Azeri. “Salam”. I’ve heard that one before….
I left and was waiting outside for my next meeting with Ishmailova when a man approached me, speaking in Russian or Azeri, not sure which one. I interrupted him speaking English and he quickly flowed into English “excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice what a beautiful lady sitting by herself”. Oh boy, here we go. “Do you live here in Baku?” No. “How long will you be here?” Only till Tuesday. “Do you have any free time while you are here?” I don’t know. Meanwhile, Ismailova approached and I tried my best to brush the guy off by giving him my business card and telling him to e-mail me. Geesh. 1 down.
Ismailova was strange, but nice. Very unhelpful with the reports that I had to write, but she picked out a nice gooey, cheesy and spinachy appetizer for me. And also suggested I taste her dessert which was devine; also cheese with honey poured on top. Yum-my. We talked a lot about antihistamines, I’m really not sure why they kept on coming up. She insisted on having me try her dessert even though I told her I was nervous about the nuts. She cut me a piece which “did not have them” and I ate it very reluctantly and carefully. Boy, I’m a pushover huh? I was fine and dammmmmn it was good, but I was still a bit nervous eating it… Anyways, she invited me over for dinner tomorrow night. We shall see if that happens or not.
English here is very sparse. It’s helpful and unhelpful at the same time. Unhelpful because when I’m asked what I’m doing “oops! Sorry only speak English”. But unhelpful when I want a price and can’t communicate that.
Goodlooking men here too, did I mention that? Tall, dark and handsome. I surveyed a grocery store today and there were Indian workers there. There was Indian music playing in the background, they communicated in Indian languages and it smelled like my time in India. I was having a de ja vu moment, but it wasn’t a bad one. I was a bit surprised and pleased at the same time. Anyways, when I got back to the hotel I said hello to the men behind the front desk. It was the same two who checked me in “have you gotten to see my city?” Well I have walked around a bit, but haven’t done too much…. “do you have time, or would you like me to show you my city?” Ummmm… I guess so? Tomorrow sometime? He seemed very anxious, nervous and excited all at the same time to be talking to me and setting up this meeting. Like I was a celebrity or something. “I have many American friends” he says. Can’t wait to see how this goes.
Today I went running, but with a black jacket on. I wasn’t stared at like I was yesterday. I guess that’s the trick! At breakfast I noticed there was no fruit left, so I asked for them to replace it. They came back with a whole fruit plate just for me. Sweet!! I think the theme for Baku is: Pleasantly surprised. They aren’t Soviet unfriendly like most of the previous Soviet countries. They even are a bit smiley at times. Not warm friendly, like the latin culture, but reserved friendly and hospitable. Add a beautiful city, and walla! What a good time.
The nighttime in Azerbaijan was particularly beautiful. The lights played with the beautiful white marble buildings and the waterfalls as well as unique artwork all over the city. I really enjoyed just running my camera to try and get some great shots.
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