So, I drove back to the airport today. I decided to go the other way; I had 3 hours max to kill on the way there. So I asked the front desk how long it would take to get there if I went via Soufriere (where the picturesque pitons are). They said it was much longer; 2 hours, whereas the other way was one. Well, first off… that’s not true cause it took me over two hours to get to the hotel from the airport going the “short” way. But, I decided to try it after all. It was way more windy than the road there was. Lots of hairpin turns. I went the wrong way once which wasn’t so bad…. though the guy who directed me to the right way asked for a tip but I seriously had nothing on me. I felt bad, but a little annoyed that he asked in the first place just for giving me directions! Then, I happened to get into a small town at the wrong time because there was a truck blocking the street. They asked me to go around the corner and go that way instead. Well, I tried to; I backed up and there was another truck coming at me from that side. So, the first truck backed up so that I could go but there was an even larger truck behind them carrying a ginormous tractor. Yep that wasn’t going to work. So, I backed all the way up; I had 3 cars behind me backing up as well. A little boy and an old man helped me to back up and made sure that I was going in the right direction. One little obstruction, but I was on the way again. With all the potholes in those roads, I’m very surprised I didn’t end up with a flat tire. And, I was even more surprised that I made my flight. I was a bit freaked out for quite a while that I wasn’t going to make it. My spirits for some reason were not very high. I was tired, annoyed (not sure why) and didn’t really want to talk to anyone. I wanted to be telepathically transported to my new hotel room. Is it being tired, or just being annoyed? I’m not sure. I’m very happy I’m here now and need to get some sleep. I wish I had some more time to see you St. Lucia.
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