Before heading to the airport, I wandered around the town, checking out a few nooks that I hadn’t realized were there. I ran into an older guy with real long hair, a local and like the vast majority here, he was a friendly local who wanted to know what my deal was. So I stopped and talked for a few but I noticed I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I told him that I was going to check out a place because I had some work to do, and I did have an email to write, but really I didn’t want him to follow me. So I listened to him tell me about how great the US was and how much he loved NYC, etc. etc. The usual. Then we parted and I went into the restaurant.
Well, I only got about 10 minutes in before he came into the restaurant himself. Ugh. He sat at a table near me and kept turning around trying to talk to me but I told him I had work to do. I told him over and over that yes, I was still working, all while focusing on my phone and the typing I was doing. He kept trying to talk to me, over and over, and over and over. And I was getting really annoyed. Finally my food arrived and I put down my phone and started eating. “Oh, and now you stop working” he says to me. “I get it. I’ll leave you alone, nice meeting you.” Funny thing is, that if he wanted to come and talk to me while I was eating, I wouldn’t have cared. But now was when he was leaving. Ridiculous! Though I did feel a tang of guilt. Which is exactly why I took the time to write about it. Oh well.
The ride out of Saba was crazy. We started going real, real fast while on the ground and had a fast liftoff and yep, right below us was the cliff off the end of the runway. Quick 15 minute flight to St. Maarten. I had big plans to go out and have fun but I just crashed. I was exhausted. It had been a truly exhausting 5 and a half weeks and I couldn’t have been more ready to go home, and even better… I had Nicole’s wedding to be super excited about.
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