Just like in Statia, word gets around quick that there is some strange girl on the island looking for prices of things. When you have a population of 1500 I’m pretty sure you can’t really help it. I ran into a guy for the second time today in a supermarket, and after saying just a few words he invited me out to dinner. I said sure, and this time I actually kept my side of the bargain and showed up. We went back to the same restaurant that I ate in last night; Brigadoon’s. Wonder what the name means? Anyways, it was totally delicious. I had a shrimp pasta over linguini, but even better was that last night I had had seared tuna over salad and it was amazing, I may even need to go back for that. Bob was his name. We talked about traveling, my job, etc. I believe Bob to be in his late 30’s or early 40’s. He asked me for dinner rather quickly, I didn’t even have a second to think about what his thoughts were on the whole thing. One of the reasons why I accepted was because he was going off-island tomorrow, so if he was interested there wouldn’t be any time for him to try to get me to go out again. I managed to keep him at bay, and even got some very valuable info out of him. At the end of the night he tried hard to keep me out later, but when he had to get out of the car to pee I quickly snuck out and said sorry Bob, I have to go. Bye and thanks!
I had an interesting client situation. In St. Eustatius, a girl overheard me talking about doing a survey for the Dutch Defense Ministry so she asked me to explain it to her. So of course I did, and subsequently found out that she was a member of the DDM. We were also going to be in Saba at the same time. Though, I didn’t think much of it. The next evening, I ran into her at a bar. Not surprising since there were very few places to hang out anyways. Then, the next morning as I was leaving for Saba, she was the officer who checked me out of the airport at customs.
A couple days later, she showed up at the breakfast table (the only breakfast table) at my hotel and introduced me to her boyfriend, another officer. We made smalltalk and went on our way. The next morning I saw them at breakfast once again, then during my hike, and then later in the evening sat across from them at dinner. How funny was this.
She left the next day but I ran into her boyfriend at the restaurant at night and we had dinner together, and then he gave me a ride back to the hotel. The next day, saw him at breakfast, and then I went to the police office to introduce myself to the client contact there. Got all the way through my introduction and realized the guy sitting next to him was the boyfriend, again. You would think I was following the kid. Later, I went to the airport because I was leaving to go back to St. Maarten. Boyfriend was also there, AGAIN and he saw me off. I think this had to have broken a record for running into the same person multiple times. I mean, yeah it’s a small island, but this was a little ridiculous.
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