I took a trip to Fremantle and Cottesloe beach. I wasn’t as impressed as I expected to be actually, but I was really very tired. I walked around Fremantle and it reminded me a bit of Portsmouth. An old port city with a lot of history. I had a delicious fish n’ chips down by the waterfront and then I pretty much just crashed after that. I had a rejuvenating juice concoction instead of a coffee, but maybe it was coffee that I really needed. I took the train back into the city and stopped at Cottesloe beach along the way. Turned out I had to walk about a half mile to the beach (amongst some pretty amazing houses/mansions that lined the beach). It was a nice walk, but the flies, the flies are absurd here. Totally ridiculous. These flies, they don’t bite, thank goodness. But, they do fly in your ears, your eyes, your mouth, your nose – and there have to be about 10 surrounding you at one time. I couldn’t stand anywhere for too long for this reason. They just wouldn’t leave me alone! I looked around to see how the locals were dealing with them, and they were doing the same as me, the swooshing away which only lasted a couple seconds, so instead I got into full arm-circle mode. Yeah it was annoying, and probably more of a workout than I bargained for that afternoon.
Sat across the row (thank goodness I wasn’t next to) to a bunch of hooligans on the airplane to Darwin. One guy was so hung over he had his head practically under the seat for the whole ride. All 3 of them were grown men that must have been in their 40’s or 50’s but they had clearly partied the night before like it was 1999. I heard the flight attendant tell them that they really didn’t have much sympathy for them since we are all adults here and should act like them, haha. Frankly, I’m shocked that a)they didn’t kick the sick guy out when they realized in the first place how sick he was and b) that they were so nice to him throughout the flight. They gave him pillows, blankets, all the paper bags he wanted for when he was going to puke…. Luckily, I really don’t think that he did, or else it didn’t look or smell like he did. I think I would have been sick and pretty pissed off if that had happened. The plane was a bit wobbly. We landed right before the heavens started absolutely pouring down on us and on our descent we dropped a couple times quite significantly which caused me to let out a bit of a yelp. Yep I said it, I yelped… enough to make the guy next to me laugh. It was a bit scary man!
They DO say mate here, quite a bit. They actually say g’day mate a lot here in Australia. Also, instead of “you’re welcome” they say “no worries”. And, they say “what are you after?” Instead of what would you like? LOVE!! Just so different.
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