Today was a beautiful day, I took a million pictures of the opera house and the beautiful bridge behind it, and I went out to Manly Beach (which was actually named for having lots of manly men, seriously) via ferry. I lounged on the beach… a luxury I hadn’t done much this trip and I wanted to make sure to take advantage of this since the weather was going in the opposite direction back home. I watched the surfers, I went on a very nice walk to check out the little town, and then had a delicious lunch before taking the short 15 minute ferry back to Sydney proper. Meanwhile, funny story for the ferry ride back.
I make my way up to the top of the ferry for the view and sit all the way in the back. When the boat pulls away from the shore, it’s going so fast and the wind was so strong I could barely catch my breath, so I turned around so that I could. When I did this, my shoe flew off my foot and luckily landed against the ropes on the back, and fell flat down to the bottom of the boat. Thank goodness it got caught on the ropes, otherwise that shoe would have flown straight out to sea! This prompted a conversation with a guy who was sitting close by. He was a nice English guy who invited me to meet up with him and his friends at some bar that night. I said maybe, but never exchanged information with him anyhow. As I was getting off the boat, I asked about my shoe and the shipmates said “we have your shoe, Cinderella”. “Thanks guys, my shoe flew off my foot!” To which they replied…. “what were you doing with your legs up in the air anyways?” Ummm… what do I say to that question? The guys were looking at both me and this bloke that I had a brief conversation with on the boat. I just blushed, quite a bit and laughed it off. I hadn’t been that embarrassed in white a long time!
That night, I was walking around the opera house taking lots of pictures when a guy approached me and asked if I would like him to take my picture for me. Sure, why not? Then we got to talking, which I was hoping not to do, but he was nice to talk to and I needed a little bit of company anyways. One thing led to another and he asked me if I wanted to go for a drink. Why not. He was in the financial industry and was really cute but he had the strangest accent which I swore was South American but he said that he was originally from Vancouver. There were certain words that he said very strangely which I found oddly very unattractive. Is it weird that I’m not interested in a guy because he says “really” very strangely? Sounds like rulllly….. Or am I the one who is odd? He did tell me an interesting story about having cookaburras that he feeds at breakfast daily, so they basically wake him up in the morning. That must be really cool! I couldn’t imagine sleeping through that crazy “laugh” they have anyways. I told him that maybe I would go out to dinner with him again, though I don’t really want to… but it doesn’t hurt having company. I could tell he was just trying to get laid though. Oh well, I don’t mind having a few fruity drinks for free ;)
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