What a tiring day. I was so excited to fly business class though. That was, until I showed up at the American Airlines counter where it was overcrowded and there was no sign of business class checkin. So, I asked some lady who told me to stand at the end and they would open it for me. Nope didn’t happen. The people at the end of the counter just gave me nasty looks until one of them asked me what I wanted and I said business class checkin. Nope that’s on the other side, wayyyyy down there. Really? Why didn’t someone say that in the first place??? Fine. So I finally found it and it wasn’t open. Really people, I didn’t not sleep last night to get at the airport at 330 and find it’s not even open yet. I had to wait until 415 even though they were suppose to open at 4. Oh American Airlines, I try… I try to like you, but I really can’t hide that I just don’t.
Business class itself was nice, though I don’t remember much of it on the first flight due to passing out. In Miami I was a walking zombie and for some reason, my eyes have been really swollen the past week. They might as well have been sewed shut when I was in Miami, I could barely open them. A nice guy was sitting next to me and we got to talking. He works for the World Bank, I think he’s an engineer. From the UK but grew up in Brazil (how strange?) we shared travel stories. Now that I have a chance to think about it, I’m a little impressed that he works for the world bank. I could barely think when I was on that second flight, I had to try real hard not to fall asleep in the middle of our conversation since I was so tired. He was a nice guy, looks a lot younger than he probably is (my guess is close to 40 actually) and we discussed getting dinner or something sometime during the week. Well, it never hurts to have a little company! And, as far as I can tell he’s not a creepster like 95% of the guys that I meet when traveling.
So I got off the plane and went to pick up my baggage. Went to take it off the belt and Woaaaaaaaaaah my bag is wide open! Someone opened my effing luggage and then never zipped it back up again. I freaked out momentarily over what I might have lost, but luckily I don’t think anything was gone.
Then the fun part started. I went to pick up my rental car, and SWEET I need to drive 2 hours to get to my hotel, on the total opposite side of the island, like really – I couldn’t get any further. Thank goodness I got in during the daytime cause those small, windy up and down roads with cars up your ass trying to drive faster and the 2 lanes which would suddenly become just one without any warning because of construction would not have fared well at night. Oh, and did I mention that I did all of this while seated on the right side of the car and driving on the left? That was fun. And scary as shit. Then I got lost a couple times because of lack of signs. Actually, my hotel was on a road that I never, ever in a million years would have found if it wasn’t for the guard at some hotel that I stopped at. Before that, I got lost in the downtown (shitty) city of Castries where I wondered who the heck I should stop and ask directions from. Didn’t seem too safe.
And then? I made it. And I had a warm welcome, a delicious rum punch, and a ready-to-be laid in bed waiting for me. It can be a satisfying feat when you finally make it somewhere, especially when it involves a travel day like the one I just had!
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