Just to give you a general idea of how frustrated I was while in St. Maarten, I had just finished eating lunch because I was STARVING but real pressed for time. So I scarfed it down. I had just finished eating (and included a nice alcoholic beverage in there too cause I thought it would make me feel a little happier. That didn’t happen) but then I realized that I needed the price of a beer and a coffee. So, I asked the bartender. Bartender asked me to talk to the cashier. Why you want to know? She asks me. Cause I doing a study…. Ummmm no big deal. I just want the effing price of a coffee and a beer. Bitch wouldn’t give it to me, and actually told me to speak with the manager and with the manager’s permission she would tell me. LADY, IT’S THE PRICE OF A COFFEE AND A BEER. So, ridiculously annoyed and pissed off after asking her if she was serious, I hunted down the manager she told me to talk with. Manager came out all concerned-looking, and I tried hard not to be a raging bitch but I told her the situation. She looked at me confused. You just want to know the price of a coffee and a beer? And you’re a guest here? Ummm… yes. Seriously, that’s all. THAT’S IT. She told me to wait a minute and she came back promptly with prices after making a couple phone calls, I presumed. I thanked her, tried to do so whole-heartedly but I was much too annoyed to. My blood pressure was raging. So I went to my room and 100% seriously, slammed highlighters on the ground and watched as they cracked. I think the stress was seriously causing me to lose my mind.
On a lighter note, St. Maarten is so strange with their currency. The official currency (on the Dutch side) is the Netherlands guilder but everyone pays in dollars and quotes in dollars. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Why don’t they just use the dollar then as their official currency? But, St. Maarten has two sides to it. The French side and the Dutch side. They take this pretty seriously, I mean; if you want to call the French side from the Dutch side you actually have to call long-distance even though it’s definitely not long-distance. On the French side they speak French and have much better food too.
Tonight, I was at a restaurant eating dinner and the bartender wanted to help me get home cause I had no idea how I got to where I was, nor did I know where my hotel was from here. He drew me a very extensive map and I realized that I had no idea how the heck I was gonna find my way (especially after drinking 2, not 1 beer because I caught happy hour). He ended up leading me back to my hotel so that I wouldn’t get lost getting there cause obviously he didn’t trust my skills. Oh well that’s OK, I realized after the many twists and turns of the road that I was much better off having a guide, and that I was a whole lot closer to my hotel than I had expected! Thank goodness for random kindness.
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