Met with the GSO of the US embassy here. I think it’s so cool to be able to say that! Makes me feel so important. He was a real friendly, cool guy who was very helpful with my study. We met at the hotel over a cup of coffee. This was good timing, because I was missing American interaction. Culturally, the American mannerism and culture is actually very unique, I have found. We joke around much more than most cultures. We are warm yet opinionated. And confident, you can’t forget an American’s confidence.
I hope to have a little time to explore tomorrow, but for now I need to get to sleep. I’ll leave with this though; items for sale are priced in 3 different currencies here; USD, SRD (Suriname dollars) and EUR. One store has SRD prices, another USD, and a third EUR. It’s justttt a bit strange! Owwww I ran tonight on the treadmill for the first time tonight in weeks and my knees are killing. Why??? OK, goodnight!!!
My driver, what an interesting guy. He is Indian, but he has really dark skin. I mean, if I didn’t know any better I would potentially call him black. Anyways, he asked me if we have a lot of Black people in the United States. Hahaha… what a question. Then we were walking by this family of Black people and he giggled and said to me, haha…the Black people… haha. Really? I guess they must not have taught about racism in school. Suriname, quite a strange place!
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