Sunday, January 16, 2011

Power outages, bug bites and I may be a model

I think by this point I may have a million bug bites between Curacao and here in PLC. I keep meaning to buy bug spray but then I forget. What’s new, I think I might have the worst memory in the world.

An older man who works at a restaurant tried to serenade me tonight. Are you a model in your country? You have beautiful skin and eyes and nose and…. Shhhhhhhut up. No that’s not attractive and it doesn’t make me want to sleep with you please leave me alone and let me walk away without causing a scene. I need to work. That’s what I was thinking. Though, I try to be understanding of normal culture and pleasant when dealing with annoying situations like this. I said thank you thank you thank you thank you until I could finally slip away when he had to go tend to some customers. Geezzzzzzz… Lots of lovey dovey people here, especially the youngeons with their oh-my-gosh he’s so cute and their endless staring into each others’ eyes romance. It’s kinda nice to see a culture with so much love and public affection (as long as they’re not taking it too far of course).

Today I walked into one of the malls near my hotel and it was pitch black. BUT, stores were still open , at least most of them were. I was amazed. I went into a hair salon to ask how much a men’s hair cut was and she told me the price with the addition of “but we have no electricity now and we’re not sure when we’re going to get it back”. Can you imagine having to deal with this daily? Another reason I liken Venezuela to African or very poor countries; the only places I have had issues with electricity were in Haiti and Angola. Also, the water, like in Caracas, comes out yellow. Looks like pee, no joke. I almost wonder if I would be cleaner if I just chose not to shower in the first place.

Yuck I don’t like the food here. The selection sucks. Since it’s on the water I figured the fish would be good, but it’s not. The squid is chewy and the shrimp and fish taste old. Recommendations were not good, I can’t imagine what the food that was not recommended tasted like. And I can’t eat salad which sucks. The jugos naturals are pretty good though; (blended fresh fruit drink).

Venezuela has got to be the most crazy place I have gone. I re-read the travel warning tonight to have a reminder of the safety concerns. They give you the television remote as you are checking into the hotel which was a bit bizarre. People call others by psssssssss ing. Like they do in Africa. Ugh it’s so very annoying. Another reason, maybe why being here reminds me of Africa.

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